Saturday, February 16, 2013

The Beginning

Today, I decided to become one of those people. The bloggers. I can't help but feel slightly ashamed. I mean, do I really want to become one of a countless number of people who spend hours of their lives typing thoughts, insights, whatever...just to have their irrelevance verified,by the people who aren't reading their blog ,because -gasp- they actually have LIVES. You know, that thing where you go out and talk to people, get to know them the old fashioned way. In fact, I challenge you to try it sometime. Using nothing but your good looks and what I'm sure is your sparkling personality, mingled with a slight amount of healthy stranger danger (hey, if you feel like the homeless guy sitting on the curb with vomit chunks clinging to his scraggly beard is a lifelong friendship waiting to happen, go for it), go out and make a new friend. Without technology. Actually walk up and talk to someone. Say hi. Complement them on their outfit or something. (i.e., "Hey, I noticed you have less vomit chunks in your beard than usual today. Good for you!") Anything. The possibilities are endless. Now, I'm not saying people will be friendly. I'm not promising you that they will even acknowledge your existence. Case in point: today, I decided to have an adventure. I was walking down  the street, thinking, you know what, I want to meet new people. I just moved here, no one knows me, I could make lots of new friends who will like me and respect me and come over to my apartments for movie nights and find out how crazy I am and never come back or answer my calls or texts and then I can start the process ALL OVER AGAIN. Doesn't that sound awesome? I know, I thought so too. So I tried it. I smiled at people as I walked by. And do you know what happened? I have many many more friends! We're all going to be in each other's weddings, and have our kids in playgroup together, and live in the same nursing home when we're old! See?!!!

Now for the truth. I was walking down the street, being all smiley and friendly and sunshine and roses. And NO ONE CARED. They all looked down at the pavement, averting their eyes from me like I meant nothing to them. All my hopes and dreams, vanished away because of the captivating features of the concrete sidewalk. People suck. (No offence, but unless you are an extremely advanced species of dolphin reading this, I assume you are all in fact people) So now, because I know you all are dying to run out right now and start your new circle of friends, I am warning you. You will most likely be ignored. But adventures would not be adventures if they were easy. So do not give up hope, darlings. I will be the first to smile and wave back at you, should I see you on the street. Until then though, keep making every day a new adventure. That's what I have been trying to say all along. That's the whole point of this blog, for heaven's sake. To show you that even ordinary, mundane days can be grand and wonderful. All you have to do is go out and live.

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